I Am Campaign

The “I Am” Campaign was one of ServiceTitan’s largest fully integrated campaigns. The campaign goal was to drive urgency and communicate value to prospects - helping them comprehend what they stand to gain by urgently adopting ServiceTitan and what they stand to lose if they don’t.

The campaign puts actual ServiceTitan customers front and center. By juxtaposing hooks like “I am a data scientist” with images of trades business owners, we create parallels between our software and other revolutionary technologies. The campaign was also highly targeted to specific geo-markets. This hyper-focused approach of saturating a chosen market with media, allowed us to select high-profile, well known customers to showcase in the campaign tailored to each market.


  • Photoshop

  • Figma


  • Art Direction

  • Photography

  • Integrated Campaign

  • Motion Graphics

  • Storyboarding

Farah Sosa, Photography

Campaign, AllJazmin Infante